Rapsodo vs. SkyTrak Golf Launch Monitors - In-Depth Comparison | 24-7 Golf

Rapsodo vs. SkyTrak Golf Launch Monitors - In-Depth Comparison | 24-7 Golf


Comparison of Rapsodo MLM2 Pro, SkyTrak, and SkyTrak+ Launch Monitors

Shot metric comparison chart displaying data for SkyTrak, SkyTrak+, and Rapsodo MLM2 Pro launch monitors. The chart includes key metrics such as ball speed, launch angle, spin rate, and carry distance. SkyTrak is shown in blue, SkyTrak+ in green, and Rapsodo MLM2 Pro in orange. Each launch monitor's performance is represented by a series of bars for easy visual comparison.

A Comprehensive Comparison of Rapsodo MLM2 Pro, SkyTrak, and SkyTrak+ Launch Monitors

In the world of golf, precision and data-driven insights have become increasingly crucial for players of all skill levels. Launch monitors have emerged as essential tools for improving one's game, offering real-time data on clubhead speed, ball speed, launch angle, and much more. Among the top contenders in the market, the Rapsodo MLM2 Pro, SkyTrak, and SkyTrak+ stand out as popular choices. This article will provide a comprehensive comparison of these three launch monitors, helping you make an informed decision about which one best suits your needs.

Rapsodo MLM2 Pro 

A Rapsodo MLM2 Pro launch monitor is positioned in front of a simulator, surrounded by golf clubs and balls. The simulator setup includes a screen displaying virtual golf course scenery. The Rapsodo MLM2 Pro is prominently featured, capturing swing data and providing feedback for an immersive golfing experience

Key Features:

  • Portability: The Rapsodo MLM2 Pro is highly portable, making it easy to use at the driving range, home, or on the course.
  • Data Points: It offers a wide range of data points, including clubhead speed, ball speed, launch angle, spin rate, and more.
  • Video Integration: The MLM2 Pro can capture video of your swings and sync it with shot data for better analysis.
  • Shot Tracing: Provides detailed shot tracing, including carry and total distance, apex height, and offline deviation.
  • Indoor and Outdoor Use: Suitable for both indoor and outdoor practice sessions, making it versatile.


  • Rich data set for in-depth analysis.
  • Video integration aids swing improvement.
  • Compact and portable design.
  • Affordable compared to some competitors.


    • Limited accuracy on short pitch shots.
    • Requires a compatible device (iOS only).
    • Subscription fees for advanced features.


The Original Skytrak Launch Monitor is placed on a hitting mat surrounded by golf clubs and balls. The setup suggests a practice or training environment, with the Skytrak ready to capture swing data. The scene is characterized by a mix of golfing equipment, creating a setup suitable for honing golf skills and tracking performance.

Key Features:

  • Photometric Technology: SkyTrak uses high-speed cameras to capture ball data, providing precise measurements.
  • Simulator Integration: It is known for its exceptional integration with golf simulators, offering a realistic gameplay experience.
  • Shot Shape Analysis: Offers shot shape analysis, including hooks, slices, draws, and fades.
  • Data Accuracy: Known for its high accuracy in tracking ball flight and spin rates.
  • TGC 2019 Integration: Works seamlessly with TGC 2019, expanding the simulation experience.
  • App-Based: Operated through a mobile app, making it user-friendly and compatible with both iOS and Android.


  • Outstanding accuracy in tracking ball data.
  • Use any golf ball, no stickers or special marked balls required.
  • Seamless integration with golf simulators.
  • Comprehensive data for game improvement.
  • Android compatibility, unlike Rapsodo MLM2 Pro.


  • Heavier and less portable compared to the MLM2 Pro.
  • Limited video analysis features.
  • Initial cost and subscription fees for advanced simulation features.


The Skytrak+ Launch Monitor is positioned on a hitting mat, featuring a ball placed on a rubber tee in front of it. The setup suggests a golf practice scenario, with the Skytrak+ ready to capture swing data. The hitting mat and rubber tee indicate a space designed for golf training and performance analysis, offering a visual representation of the equipment in use.

Key Features:

  • All SkyTrak Features: The SkyTrak+ includes all the features of the standard SkyTrak, with the added bonus of more comprehensive game improvement tools.
  • Game Improvement Packages: Provides access to additional practice and simulation packages, offering more variety and challenge.
  • TGC 2019 Integration: Works seamlessly with TGC 2019, expanding the simulation experience.
  • Improved Course Library: Offers an extended library of virtual golf courses for simulation through the Play and Improve Software upgrade.


  • Combines the accuracy of SkyTrak with enhanced practice and simulation packages.
  • Use any golf ball, no stickers or special marked balls required.
  • Ideal for golfers looking for an immersive simulation experience.
  • Additional courses and game modes.
  • Continuously updated software and content.


    • Higher initial cost and subscription fees compared to the standard SkyTrak.
    • Still less portable than the Rapsodo MLM2 Pro.

A golfer is captured mid-swing, using a Skytrak+ Launch Monitor to analyze and enhance their performance. The golfer is positioned in a golf simulator bay, with a projector attached to the top of the enclosure. The projector displays a vivid image of a virtual golf course, creating an immersive experience. The Skytrak+ Launch Monitor is actively tracking the swing, providing real-time data for training and simulation purposes.


When it comes to choosing between the Rapsodo MLM2 Pro, SkyTrak, and SkyTrak+, the decision largely depends on your specific needs and budget.

  • Rapsodo MLM2 Pro is an excellent choice for golfers looking for portability, video analysis, and an affordable option for improving their game.
  • SkyTrak shines with its unparalleled ball data accuracy and strong simulator integration, making it a top choice for those who want to practice at home or enjoy simulated rounds.
  • SkyTrak+ caters to golfers seeking the most immersive simulation experience, with additional game improvement tools and a broad selection of virtual golf courses.

Ultimately, the right choice depends on your priorities, whether it's data accuracy, portability, simulation, or practice features. Consider your individual needs and preferences to select the launch monitor that will help you elevate your golf game to the next level.

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